Colleen's SPOOKY review

heeeeyy guys...

Long time, no read! I haven't forgotten about this, I have two half written blog posts that I need to finish but rather than finishing those, I started a new one. (Don't tell me how to live my life!) I decided that I wanted to write about this show that I love but no one watches and try to get some people to watch it so that I can talk to them about it! Plus, it's a perfect show to watch during Halloween time so without further ado, for your consideration this Halloween....

One by one....

HARPER'S ISLAND (spoiler free review!)

You may have never heard of it, that's fair. It's a one season show that aired back in like 2009 (and you can currently watch it on Amazon Prime!) that promises at least one gruesome death an episode. I've posted about it on Facebook before, begging people to watch it but that doesn't do it justice really, hence the blogpost. Now this isn't a show that necessarily gives off a feeling of nostalgia but I can't help but feel nostalgic watching it. I'm not a big horror fan, I've been watching a bit more horror movies than I had in the past but I'm still about as far away from a horror fan as one can be. But the few horror movies I do love and love to rewatch were from my youth: Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, and the like. I don't know if it's the late 90's style or the music, or the fact that Sarah Michelle Gellar met Freddie Prinze Jr on IKWYDLS (it's probably the latter), but I just love teen slasher movies. And Harper's Island is very reminiscent of that which is what drew me in. It's like if you took the movie Scream, and expanded it over 13 hours, but with more character development and backstory. It's about a group of people who go to a small island off of the coast of Seattle for a wedding and death ensues. And ooohhhh does the death ensue! It's gruesome without being gory like Saw, it's campy without being Sharknado, the caricatures of people become actual characters, and it's just all around fun!

Did someone say FUN?? Here comes Party Marty!

So here's the gist of it, Henry and Trish are getting married on the island where they met growing up as kids, bringing Henry's best friend, former local, and our protagonist, Abby, back to the island for the first time in 7 years. Why has it been so long since she's been back? Well, her mother and 6 other people on the island were murdered in some crazy looking ways by this crazed serial killer, John Wakefield and she was sent away by her dad and hasn't been back since, which to be fair, SAME. The first couple episodes are a little soapy- more personal drama, less crazed killer heart pumping action, so they can be a little tougher to get through. But don't worry, it ramps up for real.

Fun game to play while you watch: cross off the character as they die, Murder Bingo!

Are there problems with Harper's Island? Of course, this isn't Fargo (again, the Colleen Gold Standard of Television). The main problem being the main character, Abby. I just don't care for her, she's pretty much just a generic "cool girl that's just one of the guys", as evidence of her one time playing pool well, chugging a beer instead of champagne like the other girls, and driving a car and knowing what's wrong with it- I can't think of any other "characteristic" she has besides those. But don't worry, this is definitely an ensemble cast and they definitely make up for her. Personal favorites include: Cal and Chloe, Sully, Shane, Henry, Uncle Marty (Party Marty!!), and Jimmy (swoon!!). If you start watching, you'll be like really, Colleen? Those are your favorite characters? And yeah, I get it. But give them time. In fact, give the entire show time. By episode 5, if you're not hooked you can stop watching, but you'll be hooked, trust me. Shit gets POPPIN'!

You can tell she's tough because she has a gun.

Maybe one day I'll write a review with spoilers. A review where I can talk about the importance of Trish in her wedding dress, Shane carving his name in the hotel bar, and Abby seeing the deer in the woods. But I probably won't, so just know that I have a few thoughts on those scenes and if (when!!) you watch, tell me what YOU think of those scenes.

Putting this here just because Jimmy's face is dreamy, that's all.

Probably the best part of this show comes from a rewatch though. The actor(s)/actress(es) that plays the killer (or is it killers??) knows they are the killer by the 8th episode and makes subtle adjustments to their portrayal that aren't noticed on initial watch but are well received on a 2nd (or in my case, 5th or 6th) watch once you know the killer(s)'s motivations. I think that's why I love this show, yeah it's cheesy, the writing is okay I guess, but it was planned. The people who created this show did so with love and care. They named the episodes after onomatopoeia words for the death in the episode, they clearly had a lot of fun with it. The writing isn't going to win any awards but it's got a shit ton of foreshadowing, none of it obvious on initial watch. And you may think because it's only one season, maybe it has a cliff hanger or is incomplete, and you'd be wrong. This is the precursor for shows like American Horror Story (or my beloved Fargo!) with each season being it's own complete story with it's own characters (the plan for season 2 was either going to be a safari murder trip or a serial killer in space, how dare you CBS for denying us a SPACE MURDERER!!) When a show is loved and cared for and planned, it shows. It becomes a much more compelling show to me and I think to a lot of people, that's why shows endure. How I Met Your Mother, up until the very last episode where they completely shit the bed (seriously, I suggest to any one who hasn't seen HIMYM to watch it but never watch the final episode, you can thank me later), is clearly crafted with love and care and planned out to the best of their abilities, I don't think they expected to last 10 seasons and so I think what happened was their dumbasses didn't come up with a plan B. Another longer rant for another time I suppose. The point being, like HIMYM, this is fun to watch and rewarding to rewatch and WHY AREN'T PEOPLE DOING EXACTLY THAT??

 Me, rewatching and looking for clues

So this is it, this is my plea for everyone, or just anyone to watch this show. I had convinced my friend Sarah to watch this show and she message me her thoughts and theories (personal favorite theory: it's the mariachi band!) and like Sarah, anyone who does watch should DEFINITELY text/facebook message their thoughts. Or live tweet it, my handle is colleeeeeeeeeny (that's 9 e's) or use the hashtag #WatchWithColleen. I know this is shorter than what I usually write but hey, there's only so much you can write about a murder mystery show when you're keeping it spoiler free!

*     *     *     *     *

Like I said earlier, I have two other posts half written so my next one will either be an update on my Black Mirror rankings or a love letter to Joss Whedon, because that's what I got going so far. I'm trying to find time daily to write because I have been seriously slacking recently and honestly I have no excuse. Just pure laziness I suppose but I'm turning a new leaf guys or rather I'm trying! After that I have no idea what I'll write about because believe it or not, I'm super behind on every single show I watch so after those two posts, I suppose it will be a surprise for us all! Thanks for being my friend whoever, if anyone, is reading this. U da best! Stay fresh!


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