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Captain America: Most likely gone forever, but never from my heart

I know I typically write about TV shows but I got some (a lot!) of words and thoughts in my head about the upcoming Avengers movie and guess what, my blog can be what I want it to be, and right now it's going to be a half wine-drunk rant about how much I love Captain America (because I doooo!!) BUT FIRST.... lets go back to the beginning.... Buckle up bitches, mamas drunk and talking about Cap again ...a million years ago it seems like I saw my first Marvel movie. It was Captain America: The First Avenger. Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Incredible Hulk, and Thor had all already come out, this was the last movie before the Avengers, and the first I had even heard about any of this craziness going on. I was dating a guy at the time who turned out to be just a grade A terrible human being and a liar but he was obsessed with comics and comic book movies. Being that I am me and I am a d-bag about everything, I was adamant about not watching this lame "Super Murrica" movie (in...

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